HIREGO: Decentralised car sharing platform

Hello to all and welcome to my review. For those of you who don't know me yet, let me introduce myself. My name is Funke and I'm an experienced writer who enjoys what he does very much. I'm here to give you all the information you might need or want about the newest CAR HIRE PLATFORM that is definitely worth your time and therefore, mine, too. I plan to make them “easy read, to the point” because what's important to me is that we all comprehend and absorb the information and actually want to be here learning together about something new.
Today, let us all learn and experience together all about HIREGO. If you don't know anything about them, don't run away, that's why I'm here, to change that within the next few minutes. Before I begin, I just want to quickly mention that I will be including LINKS so that YOU can do your own research or whatever you feel you need. I feel it's best to have all of the information in one place, in an organised manner, rather than dotted about the page making what you want hard to find or confusing. All these links will be put at the BOTTOM of this page to keep things easy.
HireGo is a UK-based company that builds a decentralized car and car rental service in partnership with San Francisco based on the Origin Protocol. HireGo is essentially a decentralized P2P market that allows users to rent their vehicles in secure environments.
Simplicity and security are top priorities for HireGo . Payments are made in advance and assist in the deposit contract on the Ethereum chain . The dispute is forwarded to the HireGo team. However, technical complexity is hidden from the user. The app will be released on HireGo iOS, Android and the web, and will allow users with little or no knowledge of blockchain technology to seamlessly access RentGo’s rental platform.
A blockchain is a digitized, decentralized, public ledger of all cryptocurrency transactions. Constantly growing as ‘completed’ blocks (the most recent transactions) are recorded and added to it in chronological order, it allows market participants to keep track of digital currency transactions without central recordkeeping. Each node (a computer connected to the network) gets a copy of the blockchain, which is downloaded automatically.
I am going to get straight to the point of who they are since this is such an important factor, as I like to put it, “The Brains behind HIREGO”. If the team behind the product or service in question haven't the resources or knowledge, then we know the product or service delivered will possibly not have the quality it should have. We need to know two very important things when we look at a new starting up company:
Who are the people/team behind this?
What experience and knowledge do they possess?
Okay, so, because I've already done all the research needed beforehand and thoroughly HIREGO I can very happily confirm that this company has a fabulous team onboard. Here they are:

This sort of quality is inspiring. They have made sure to supply us with all the information we could possibly need, on them personally as a team, aswell as them as a company. They are acting transparently and therefore receiving the trust they deserve from investors and potential users, like you and I.
On their website, https://hirego.io/ you can visit the “Team” section and simply by clicking on each team member's image or name you will be redirected to their professional linkedin profiles. Here you may consult and analyse each individual's expertise as much as you like. It's all been put there for us to see that they have what it takes to acheive their goals with ease. I might aswell add that they have experience as traders themselves, making this a “Trader for trader” experience and ultimately inspiring more confidence in all of us.
The HireGo app will allow users with little or no knowledge of blockchain technology to seamlessly access the HireGo rental platform and begin listing vehicles or searching for available cars to hire.
Identity-based Blockchain based user platform is genuine and reliable. All user activity will be stored in blockchain, creating an indisputable record of user behavior.
Low cost:
HireGo only covers the costs associated with running the app, thus making it a completely decentralized app.
Smart contract:
Using contract codes that run on the Ethereum network eliminates the need for intermediaries and allows users to commit untrustworthy rental transactions.
The market will provide different insurance options for users to be provided by trusted industry partners. It gives users peace of mind by protecting them from financial costs incurred by collisions or unexpected damage.
Ready IoT:
When the vehicle becomes IoT ready, future versions of the HireGo contract will allow physical access to the vehicle governed by possession of the required tokens.
The HGO tokens and smart contracts will be used for all transactions. Users can convert from and to other currencies within the application.
Users will be able to access the HireGo platform from anywhere in the world.
For more information on the app and smart contracts see our whitepaper.
Our beta DApp is available on Rinkeby at demo.hirego.io
Go Token (HGO) is the currency in the app and any exchange rate in the HireGo market will be created using this token. HGO complies with the ERC20 standard and a total of 100,000 cards will be created, 60% of which will be available for ICO. Tokens will be available for purchase on existing electronic money trading platforms and HireGo will also provide a HUA-fiber portal to facilitate the exchange of national currencies.
ICO begins on March 4, 2018 with a base value of 1HGO to 0,00025 ETH (1 ETH = 4,000 HGO). ICO hard hat is 11,836 ETH.
Token Details
Symbol: HGO
Initial Value: 1 ETH = 4,000 HGO
Type: ERC20
Token Supply Cap: 100,000,000 HGO
Soft Cap: 1,500 ETH
Hard Cap 15,000 ETH
60% ICO
5% HireGo app early birds
15% Founders*
10% Team*
10% ICO organization, bounties, legal and incorporation expenses, payments for advisors, third-party services.
The decline of traditional car ownership has already begun as more people are switching to car sharing.
Increasing car purchase and maintenance costs, worsening traffic and pollution, and a lack of parking spaces are important factors for the continuation of this trend.
By decentralising car sharing we are making it more accessible, safe and convenient than ever before.
HireGo is essentially a decentralized P2P market that allows users to rent their vehicles in secure environments.
I hope you have enjoyed today's review and my company along the way. Thanks for taking the time and will hopefully see you all in the next one.


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